I was invited to present to the Santa Clara Camera Club on the subject of Infrared Photography. This was a great opportunity to share some of the topics that I’ve been working on in a new format. Thanks to Tim Cuneo, Luke Lang, and all of the members of the Santa Clara Camera Club for their hospitality.

I streamed the presentation to YouTube. The recording is below. For my first stream, it went off relatively well. Unfortunately, I didn’t capture the Zoom meeting audio in the stream/recording. This missed the introduction for the first 3 and a half minutes and the great participant questions. Feel free to skip the first 3 and half minutes of me staring ahead and saying nothing. 🙄 I did try to repeat most of the audience questions in the answers, so hopefully, you should have enough context.

You can view the presentation deck with my notes.


If you have comments, questions or feedback, use the comment section for this video.

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